How To Play Drums For Beginners – 4 Practice Tips

So you want to learn how to play drums for beginners? Then you’ve come to the right place! Playing drums is a lot of fun, and it has health benefits too. Not only is it a great way to relieve…
So you want to learn how to play drums for beginners? Then you’ve come to the right place! Playing drums is a lot of fun, and it has health benefits too. Not only is it a great way to relieve…
A drum coach is much more than someone who can help you learn how to play the drums. They can teach you the basics of drumming and help you to improve your skills, yes. But they are so much more…
Numerous individuals aspire to know just how to learn drumming and become a great drummer. But they often struggle with where or how to begin. If you’re considering embarking on your drumming journey, here’s how to get started. Then there…
Are you thinking of getting into drumming and being a drummer? Do you know how to get into drumming? Have you thought about the goals you want to achieve as a drummer? Or are you thinking about the possibility of…
If you’re new to drumming, you may be wondering where to start. Luckily, it’s very easy to get started as there are only a few basic fundamentals to all drumming. But you do need to learn, practice, and one day…
Holding the drumsticks is like any other aspect of drumming. It takes time and everyone develops their own technique over time. Of course, as you learn to play the drums, in the beginning, you also learn how to hold drum…
There is an erroneous statement that encourages wrong thinking in drumming when it comes to the subject of how to separate limbs. Especially when learning new beats. As well as slower learning. That is the approach to learning a basic…
Reading drum music or drum charts as they are most commonly called is a simple process once you understand the fundamentals of how to read drum music. Once you have learned the basic theory involved in reading drumming notation. Along…
I must admit, I never used ear drumming ear protection in almost 40 years of drumming. Why? Well, I never felt the need, but to be honest, my drumming suffered because of it. What do I mean by that? Again,…
In our short investigation of in-ear monitors for drummers let’s begin right at the beginning. This is appropriate because this isn’t meant to be a review of in-ear monitors. It’s more of an outline of what they are and the…
So you’ve decided to take up drumming and want to know how to find a good drum teacher. You’ve got the basic kit setup, drumsticks in hand, and are ready to start learning how to play the drums. Or, you…
On reflecting on my past drumming career and experience. I consider myself to be lucky with drumming ailments. In most cases, I avoided injuries that could have had negative effects on my drumming. Having said that, I have also had…