The Drum Coach

The Drum Coach

Basic Drumming Vocabulary

Basic Drumming Vocabulary

Basic drumming vocabulary, or the language of drumming, like any other language, is made up of a collection of words and phrases. The words and phrases describe specific areas of drumming. As a developing drummer, it’s essential to learn the…

Drumming Theory Basics

Drumming Theory Basics

For a long time now, I have been learning about the online world. Learning the drumming theory basics to deepen my own understanding of them, building websites and blogs and so on. And over that time, I have heard many…

Setting Goals For Drummers

Setting Goals For Drummers

On reflecting on my own past successes and failures. I came up with these five reasons why drummers don’t achieve their drumming goals. And how you can overcome them with very little effort. Start by asking yourself, “what do I…