Drumming Rudiments For Beginners

Drumming Rudiments For Beginners

If you’re new to drumming, you may be wondering where to start. Luckily, it’s very easy to get started as there are only a few basic fundamentals to all drumming. But you do need to learn, practice, and one day…

How To Read Drum Music

How To Read Drum Music

Reading drum music or drum charts as they are most commonly called is a simple process once you understand the fundamentals of how to read drum music. Once you have learned the basic theory involved in reading drumming notation. Along…

Drumming Ear Protection Basics

Drumming Ear Protection

I must admit, I never used ear drumming ear protection in almost 40 years of drumming. Why? Well, I never felt the need, but to be honest, my drumming suffered because of it. What do I mean by that? Again,…