The Drum Coach

The Drum Coach

Reduce Snare Drum Buzz?

Snare Drum Buzz

Are you tired of that annoying snare drum buzz from the snares ruining your groove? Stick around because in this post, I’m going to show you how to tame snare drum buzz once and for all, with simple, effective tips…

Choosing Drum Shells?

Choosing Drum Shells

Are you struggling to decide between wooden, steel, or synthetic drum shells? In this post, I’ll share insights and experiences that will help you choose the perfect shell material to match your sound and style. Plus, I’ll reveal what legendary…

Can You Fix Broken Cymbals

Fix Broken Cymbals

Can you really fix a broken cymbal? The short answer: not really. So, no. But in this post/video, I’ll explain why that’s the case, and more importantly, how to prevent cymbal damage in the first place. Stick around, because I’ll…

Should I Polish Cymbals?

Polish Cymbals

Should you clean your cymbals or leave them untouched in hopes of keeping that raw, natural sound? In this post/video, I’ll debunk some common myths about polishing cymbals and share my personal take on why keeping them clean might not…